Minor in Rhetoric

Declaring the Minor in Rhetoric

Students declare the minor by the end of the eighth week of the semester that they add themselves to the degree list.

The Minor Completion petition (PDF file)(link is external)
 should be presented to the undergraduate major advisor with a recent BearFacts printout of the student’s grades. If all courses needed for the minor have already been completed, the petition will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office. If the student needs courses that he or she is currently taking, the petition will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office at the end of the semester. No course taken as p/np may be used to satisfy any requirement of the minor. Check the Berkeley Academic Guide(link is external) for more information that is up-to-date.

Minor Requirements

(C Average required)

  • 1 lower division course from any of Rhetoric 10 (Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument), Rhetoric 20 (Rhetorical Interpretation), Rhetoric 30 (Theory and Practice of Public Speech), Rhetoric 50 (Big Words in Law), or Rhetoric 60 (Big Words in Politics)
  • 1 upper division course from either Rhetoric 103A (Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory I) or Rhetoric 103B (Approaches and Paradigms in the History of Rhetorical Theory II)
  • 3 upper division electives in Rhetoric
  • Passed/Not Passed courses do not satisfy requirements!