Felipe Gutterriez


Felipe R. Gutterriez (1949 – 2020), an extraordinary teacher, mentor, colleague, and friend who, as a thinker and true intellectual, generously shared his insights and ways of thinking with many. For many decades a model of intellectual generosity and rhetorical engagement, Felipe continues to serve as an inspiration to his students and peers. He came to Rhetoric at Berkeley as a graduate student in 1987. As a student then teacher in the Department until his retirement in December 2018, he touched or transformed the lives of generations of undergraduate and graduate students. He did so not only formally, through classroom instruction and through supervision of graduate pedagogy and dozens of undergraduate honors theses, but also through his incredible capacity to connect, be present, and converse with any who sought him out. Many came to his office, caught him in the hallway, or stood in his door talking because, in addition to being a voracious reader (and film critic) and brilliant thinker, Felipe had an incredible gift for making those he spoke with feel he was completely with them and oblivious to any other demands. He imparted just the insights one needed  — often before one even knew it. The doorway to 7326 Dwinelle will never be the same.

The entire Berkeley Rhetoric community, including many many alumni and former staff members, are simultaneously heartbroken and cognizant of the good fortune we had in knowing him as we did.  We send our deepest condolences to his longtime partner Eileen Jones (Rhetoric Ph.D. 1996).

The website forfelipe.com houses a diverse range of reflections, tributes, essays and images from the community of people who he continues to inspire.