
Name Title Role
David Lau Graduate Student
Colleen Lye Professor Affiliated Faculty
Robin Manley Mihran Graduate Student
Michael Mascuch Associate Professor Faculty
Daniel Melia Professor Emeritus Emeriti
Trinh Minh-ha Distinguished Professor Emeriti
Deniz Morova Graduate Student
Ramona Naddaff Associate Professor; Head Graduate Advisor; Director, The Art of Writing, Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities Faculty
Fumi Okiji Associate Professor Faculty
Nadesan Permaul Lecturer Lecturers
James I. Porter Professor, Department Chair, The Irving Stone Chair in Literature, Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Classics, Program in Critical Theory Faculty
Eve Letendre Program Coordinator Staff
Heather Reilly Media Technology Specialist Staff
Katie Robertson Financial Analyst Staff
Simon(e) van Saarloos Graduate Student
Pia Sazani Graduate Student
Barbara Shapiro Professor Emerita
Barbara Shapiro Profesor Emerita In Memoriam
Kaja Silverman Professor Emerita Emeriti
Thomas Sloane Professor Emeritus Emeriti