p. feijó is a Lisbon-based writer, scholar, and militant who’s concerned with monstrosity as theory and praxis of embodied minority politics (namely crip, cuir, decolonial, and class struggles).
Her public works include the collectively authored Acordo Queerográfico (2013), the short essay for Electra magazine De-Generatione: From the margins of gender (2018), the portuguese co-translation of and preface to Paul Preciado’s Countersexual Manifesto (Edições Unipop, 2015, and Orfeu Negro, 2019), the essay The Three-legged Bird: Monstrosity and Imagination (2020) and several pieces for Umbigo Magazine. Her first book, Bichxs of Shit: Aristotle, Females and Other De-generative Monsters (maio maio, 2023) is an inquiry into the cispatriarchal roots of Aristotle's natural philosophy on the generation of animals, and into the relation it establishes between women and monstrosity. Her most recent auto-theoretical poem-essay Episodes of Fantasy and Violence (2021) explores the relation between the violence of transphobia, the monstrous trans* body and the works of fantasy. Her MPhil dissertation focuses on witchcraft and the portuguese Inquisition, a section of which, on archival production and the architecture of literate power, was published by Uppsala University with the name The Architecture of a Secret: An Inquisitorial Machine in the Works.
p. feijó graduated from the Universidade de Lisboa with a degree in General Studies and minors in Physics, Mathematics, and History and Philosophy of Science, and holds a MPhil in History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Technology and Medicine from the University of Cambridge. She is currently doing a PhD in Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley.