Pheng Cheah


I am completing a book entitled The Politics and Rights of Life: Toward a Biopolitical Theory of Human Rightsand a collection of essays on the changing character of power in contemporary globalization and the role of culture and comparison in these transformations with special reference to postcolonial Asia. Also in progress is a book on globalization and world cinema from the three Chinas that focuses on the films of Jia Zhangke, Tsai Ming-liang and Fruit Chan and includes interviews with the three directors.

Education: PhD, Cornell

LLB, University of Sydney

Research interests: 

18th-20th century continental philosophy and critical theory
Postcolonial theory and anglophone postcolonial literatures
World literature
Theories of globalization and transnationalism
Cosmopolitanism and nationalism
Human rights
Social and political thought
Feminist theory
Contemporary Chinese film


Books and Edited Volumes


(510) 642-2158
7317 Dwinelle Hall