Graduate Student

Kuan Hwa

Kuan Hwa is a contemporary artist and PhD candidate. His MFA thesis used multiple taxonomies of video sequences to investigate muscle memory as socio-cultural memory across various communities of practice, from salsa dance to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Currently, he is working on intellectual histories of embodiment primarily between Western Europe and Japan. His current thesis in writing includes an archeology of sensory knowledge at the intersections of sociocultural anthropology and philosophy of mind from the early modern period to the present in the Western tradition. The latter half...

Dana Karout

Dana Karout is an interdisciplinary researcher and educator based in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she is a PhD candidate in the Department of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley. Dana's work focuses on the pedagogical and theoretical implications of contemporary generative AI, exploring what our interactions with each other and tools such as ChatGPT reveal about our culture. She has written on generative AI as a mirror and as a "partner in unknowing," in publications such as Wired...

Russell Ladson

Russell Ladson is an artist and researcher based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He is a PhD student in the Department of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley.

Before Berkeley, he was a Creative Science member at NEW INC., an incubator for people working at the intersection of art, design, and technology at the New Museum in New York City.

He was recently an artist-in-residence at Mara Brock Akil’s Story27 Productions in Los Angeles developing his upcoming project, This Ain’t About Resiliency. This Is About Regeneration, that engages...

Robin Manley Mihran

My research is focused on the intellectual history and theoretical legacy of cybernetics. I
am principally interested in the epistemological effects of cybernetic influence across the
human and biological sciences during the postwar period—from research on language
and cognition to studies of ecology, economics, and social systems. At the same time, I
am concerned with the place of cybernetics in the longer philosophical tradition
addressed to questions of teleology, purposiveness, and life—from Aristotle through
Kant and Hegel and into twentieth century debates over...

William Morgan

William Morgan is a philosopher of technology whose research resides at the intersection of cybernetics, modern finance and artificial intelligence. He is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley where he is also member of the Berkeley Center for New Media and the editorial board of the journal, qui parle. Most recently, he was part of the inaugural class of Antikythera Studio Fellows, housed within the Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles. His work has previously appeared in e-flux, Theory, Culture & Society...