Graduate Student

Pia Sazani

Pia Sazani is an artist, educator, and researcher living in Oakland, California. They are interested in the collocation of the speculative mode and religious affect in contemporary literature, art, theory, and popular culture attempting to think the future.

With poet Sam Creely, they co-edit the chaplet series DanceNotes, which publishes experiments in dance notation. Read more at

Zina Wang

My research revolves around the relation between legible and illegible in visual experiences. A particular interest is the problematic idea of time- or culture-specific object, wherein emerge questions of repetition and singularity, representational technologies, transhistorical hermeneutics, and the margin of writing. BA, MA, the University of Chicago

Camila YaDeau

Camila YaDeau is a PhD candidate in the Department of Rhetoric with a Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory. She holds a BA in Philosophy from Yale University. Her interdisciplinary research brings together comparative political theory, intellectual history, China studies, post-colonial theory and literary theory of translation. Her dissertation, “Reconstructing the Political: Yan Fu, Liang Qichao and the Genealogy of Chinese Liberalism,” examines the relationship between liberalism, nationalism and state power in Chinese interpretations of liberalism during the long 20th century.


Jae-Min Yoo

Jae-Min joined the Rhetoric department after working as a paralegal for the Natural Resources Defense Council. She is interested in exploring how bodies materialize through biopolitical, racial, environmental, and economic systems. Specifically, she hopes to study legal texts and speculative fiction that center non-“normative” bodies and open up radical imaginations of our current/future worlds. Jae-Min graduated from Bowdoin College, where she majored in Political Theory and minored in English.

Lydia You

Lydia is a writer and computer scientist based in the Bay Area.

She is interested in understanding the fundamentals of how technology organizes the individual in relation to the masses. She holds a BEng from Princeton in Computer Science and Journalism, where her work spanned Human Computer Interaction, critical theory, and media theory. She is particularly interested in the aesthetics of digital and computational mediums and how technology influences language.

Prior to Berkeley, she worked in industry as a...