Mario Telò

Representations,158: Proximities: Reading with Judith Butler

Mario Telò
Debarati Sanyal
Damon Young

TO READ JUDITH BUTLER IS to read in community, joining what are now generations of readers around the world. It is to court the experience of disorientation, exhilaration, alienation, or uncanny recognition that entering (however incompletely) into the thought of another variously affords. To read Butler is also to read Butler reading and thus to encounter both the example and the challenge of reading well. In creating this special issue, we invited a number of Butler’s readers to think and write alongside Butler, unfolding lines of flight from a passage of their choice that has served, as...

Radical Formalisms: Reading, Theory, and the Boundaries of the Classical

Mario Telò

This edited volume seeks to draw the reader toward unconventional networks and the connections found in ancient Greek and Roman literature, as well as the poetic traditions developed in the Black Americas. Subdivided into three parts, the chapters combine studies of poetics in ancient and modern contexts, exploring subversions of the canonical and formal resistances to the hegemony of textual order. ‘Radical formalism’ is the term given to strategies for defamiliarising – revitalizing while disrupting and unsettling – modes of formalistic reading practiced in deconstructionism,...

Greek Tragedy In A Global Crisis

Mario Telò

Greek Tragedy in a Global Crisis: Reading through Pandemic Times by Mario Telò.

What does it mean to read Greek tragedy in a pandemic, a global crisis? How can Greek tragedy address urgent contemporary troubles? One of the outstanding and most widely read theorists in the discipline, Mario Telò, brings together a deep understanding of Greek tragedy and its most famous icons with contemporary times. In close readings of plays such as Alcestis, Antigone, Bacchae, Hecuba, Oedipus the King, Prometheus Bound, and Trojan Women, our experience is precariously refracted...